By: M.Gault BEng, Taxpayer, Christian, Father
Editor: Elliott Steele
14 Jun 2023
My aim is to campaign for the prohibition transgender medical ‘care’ for under 18s’. Together we will discover the risks, ethics of consent and role of the NHS.
The Declaration of Culture War silently swept the Western World; The more privileged and tolerant we became, the more oppressed, confused, divided & depressed we felt. The latest battle is dealing with gender confused youth, is it a phase? Will transitioning prevent suicide? Tolerate lies or let truth set you free?
Why do you care so much?
Diagnosis and Ideology
Gender dysphoria is now the social norm to be praised, to class it rightly as a mental illness is bigotry. From the 2021 national consensus, 0.5% of over 16s in the UK identify with a different gender from their assigned at birth. This accounts for some 262,000 people (Roskams, 2023); alas children were not included, but there is a growing trend in transgenderism through promotion on social media, businesses and government. In 2011 there 250 referrals yet 10 years later there were 5,000! (Gentleman, 2022) This increase does not support the idea that transgender people have always been around but more sinisterly like a cult drawing in new victims. The average cost of a gender operation is £20,000 which may seem little but multiplied by 5,000 new patients is £100 million! Yet we haven’t factored in life long hormones, bi annual check-ups and counselling. So, what is the true cost? The human cost we can count as the LGBT+ are the most depressed group, although according to mind this has nothing to do with their cult life but the hostile society, they live in. Yet the group has never had so many rights, acceptance and celebrations; the backlash occurs when women’s feelings are subordinate to transwomen and the indoctrination of children. If the LGBT ‘community’ wishes to be inclusive, they could be accepting of other views and not as a fascist dictatorship controlling language, defamation and extortion. But at least they are caring and willing to educate your children without parental permission.
Ethics and Religion
The human body, we possess the power to maintain or destroy it. You may choose to accept your body and rejoice it is healthy or you may drug and mutilate it; all in the pursuit of an unattainable image. You will always be Trans, a shallow caricature, rejecting God’s image (GEN 1:27) obsessing over self-worship with no regard to thy neighbour (John 4:16-19). Self-worship is a narcissist, it is caring too much about yourown feelings before God and the communities around you, if this was how we all acted the world would be a lot darker. The drugs and surgery they have us believe essential, are against nature and insufficient to change the defining features of sex like: broad shoulders, large hands, Adam’s apple, sex specific hip bone, voice box, regulated testosterone or Chromosomes. For the puberty blockers they are giving children, leave them infertile, in early menopause, blood clots, with brain and bone defects (NHS, 2020). There is no reversal of the gender reassignment and mastectomies, the idea that a child can make an informed decision about never having children, I and many parentsvery much doubt. We have all experienced puberty and understand it as stressful, confusing and yet an entirely natural process. Yet still we attempt to turn the tide of raging hormones in children on the basis of a child’s feelings, which society views as too immature to make other life decisions like tattooing or living independently. Since the Ancient Greeks, Doctors pledge to ‘do no harm’ yet the very purpose in blocking puberty and foreign hormones is harmful. The same drugs are deemed “cruel and inhuman” (Amnesty, 2021) when forced on sex offenders; these antiandrogenic drugs purpose is to lower testosterone and cause infertility with similar side efforts discussed earlier. There is no temporarily pause to puberty but still we wish to treat confused children like sex offenders. What are the risks to children over a lifetime? Worryingly, we can’t know for certain as we have never done this on a large scale, these children are the test subjects.
Regrets and the NHS
With growing numbers of people regretting their transitions, we hear more horror stories proving children should be protected, loved and accepting of themselves. The story of Chloe Cole as interviewed on the Dr Jordan Peterson podcast, reveals how a confused tomboy was quickly given drugs to become male and how little she was challenged by a physiatrist. Having undertaken breast removal at 16, she still suffers from infections preventing breast reconstruction and worries if she is able to carry children. She certainly will not be able to breastfeed. Her tells us her parents were blackmailed ‘If I was not allowed to go through with this, I would be at risk of suicide’ which Jordan responses that depression and anxiety are the leading causes and that is what should be treated ‘If you just leave the kids alone, most will settle into their biological identities’ (Cole, 2023). The UK’s notorious Tavistock Gender clinic was closed after a scathing report found ‘Health staff felt under pressure to adopt an "unquestioning affirmative approach"’ and to overlook health problems like depression or autism. The High court ruling of Kiera Bell who regretted her female to male transition found that under 16s ‘lacked capacity to give informed consent to the treatment’ but sadly this was overturned in the court of appeal that doctors can make that decision for them (Holt, 2022). With hallmarks of a conspiracy theory, if she was allowed to sue, the flood gates would beopen to other victims of abuse by the NHS. The logical solution for the NHS would be to cancel all treatments for all ages, reinvest that money and staff into fighting cancer, anything but doing harm.
My Summary
Freedom of expression can be positive but when a trans rights clashes with biological women’s rights to safe spaces, privacy, sports or compelling our speech, should it not be up for discussion? There seems to be a carte blanche on a transperson’s feeling and yet women and men are forced into playing along with the delusion straight out of Orwell’s 1984. ‘No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth’ (Plato) springs to mind, did the West learn nothing from WW2 German propaganda? This is why we have a right to free speech under article 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998. Yet we live in fear against this tiny but powerful woke mob. I have no delight in participating in the culture war but those who tolerant evil cannot complain it affecting theirchildren’s lives; To summarise children are easily manipulated, unable to consent, castration is wrong and we are funding it. so, I beg you to research alternative views like the Daily Wire, Billboard Chris and Turning Point UK. If you are reading this ‘you are the resistance’.